Noni for Multiple Sclerosis
Noni juice may relieve MS symptoms
Although successful in relieving multiple sclerosis symptoms in about only half of the cases, noni juice may be one alternative for helping sufferers of this debilitating disease.
Dr. Neil Solomon reports that noni juice was found to be successful in 51% of 17 patients surveyed in lessening the symptoms of multiple sclerosis. While the number of people suffering from multiple sclerosis was small, Solomon surveyed 15,000 people for some 15 conditions.
Because of the size of the number of people surveyed with multiple sclerosis, this should not be considered a reliable statistic. However, it does suggest another alternative for multiple sclerosis sufferers.
According to Solomon, the average amount of noni consumed by the 51 percent who reported positive results was 3.5 ounces per day.
Solomon, a former John Hopkins professor and medical columnist and commentator, indicated that noni seems to "rejuvenate sick cells throughout the body." Since multiple sclerosis attacks at the cell level of the nervous system, it may be that noni's success in promoting a healthy nervous system leads to the reported success in relieving some of the negative effects of MS.
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Multiple Sclerosis
By Bob East
By Bob East
To begin I will pose a few questions.
Were you diagnosed with MS? ( YES )
Did Noni juice cure your MS? ( NO! )
Will Noni juice cure MS? ( NO! )
Are you cured of MS? ( My answer is as follows. )
But, before looking at that last question let's look at the previous questions. Were you diagnosed with MS? Several doctors including a neurologist reached that determination.
Did Noni juice cure your MS?
Noni juice was not on the scene when I began my battle with the "great cripples'. Are you cured of MS? To that I would have to ask another question - What does "cured" mean? If it means one is able to carry on a full and active life then, as I see it, the answer would be yes. Today, though retired - whatever that means, I work long hours and my wife, Marie, and I do volunteer work for the church and I present health seminars across the country.
Will Noni juice cure MS?
Noni juice will no more cure MS or any other diseases, as I see it, than a doctor can "cure" a broken bone. Stop and think. When a bone is broken all that can be done is for the bone to be re-set to as normal a position as possible and then held in place until the great healing powers within do their assigned work.
Science today. I feel, is overly obsessed in labeling and treating the disease. This leads to looking for the culprit in the form of viruses, genes and heredity. It seems that logic does not have a very big place in the scientific community.
We are bombarded almost daily on how lifestyle is contributing to our health woes. Doesn't it make sense that if lifestyle plays such a roll in our getting sick, then lifestyle should be carefully looked at in restoring health? It was my good fortune to come in contact with the teachings of H. E. Kirschner, M.D., Professor Paul Bragg and E.G. White, to name a few, who taught this concept.
Just as we wait for the forces within to heal the broken bone so we look to the forces within to take the nutrients we place within our bodies to heal and restore it. This is a sobering thought and I had to face death's door for it to dawn on me. I discovered I was my own worst enemy. I was expecting my body to take the "junk" I was giving it and in some miraculous way take that junk and make a healthy body out of it. How foolish can one be?
We all know that on "junk" fuel our car will soon sputter to a stop. So on a junk lifestyle our bodies will sooner or later sputter to a stop.
In looking back nearly forty years when I was diagnosed with MS, I only could wish that Noni juice had been available. I feel very certain that it along with the advice of the ones referred to above, would have helped speed up my restoration.
If there is one weakness I see in Noni juice, it is that it does too much!
I read of one person who was very ill from a condition brought on by tobacco use. According to the report the person was restored to the place where he could again take up his tobacco use. How sad.
No, I do not believe that Noni juice will cure MS, but I do not have any question but what it will do is make a major contribution in supplying the body with building materials so the great forces within can do their assigned job.
Then just as the healed broken bone makes it possible to get back into the game, just as the God-given powers within takes the live nutrients and restores. And if the body has not been abused beyond the point of restoration, one can get back in the greatest of all games - the Game of Life. And more than just an existence, one can enjoy Fullness of Life!
One might ask how I see Noni juice fitting into the picture?
My wife and I were introduced to Noni, and from what we heard and read were interested in seeing what benefits we would realize from using it. Even though I am no longer hampered by MS, I realized benefits from using Noni juice - more energy, a feeling of being more in control of my life, and even a more positive outlook.
My wife had some tightness in her chest and shortness of breath. Noni has certainly helped her in this area. She began by taking 6 oz. a day. Now we both take 2-3 oz. a day.
What would I say to anyone battling MS or any of the other major degenerative diseases?
Give Noni juice a 2-3 month's try.
It is amazing how some will pay hundreds of dollars a month for drug store medication and then complain at spending a few dollars for some natural commodity, such as Noni juice, that is proving to be helpful to so many in so many ways.
As mentioned, I only wish Noni had been on the scene when I began my battle. I highly recommend it and believe it will assist you in LIVING ABOVE your concerns.
If Health were Wealth, How Rich would you be? you diagnosed with MS? ( YES )
Did Noni juice cure your MS? ( NO! )
Will Noni juice cure MS? ( NO! )
Are you cured of MS? ( My answer is as follows. )
But, before looking at that last question let's look at the previous questions. Were you diagnosed with MS? Several doctors including a neurologist reached that determination.
Did Noni juice cure your MS?
Noni juice was not on the scene when I began my battle with the "great cripples'. Are you cured of MS? To that I would have to ask another question - What does "cured" mean? If it means one is able to carry on a full and active life then, as I see it, the answer would be yes. Today, though retired - whatever that means, I work long hours and my wife, Marie, and I do volunteer work for the church and I present health seminars across the country.
Will Noni juice cure MS?
Noni juice will no more cure MS or any other diseases, as I see it, than a doctor can "cure" a broken bone. Stop and think. When a bone is broken all that can be done is for the bone to be re-set to as normal a position as possible and then held in place until the great healing powers within do their assigned work.
Science today. I feel, is overly obsessed in labeling and treating the disease. This leads to looking for the culprit in the form of viruses, genes and heredity. It seems that logic does not have a very big place in the scientific community.
We are bombarded almost daily on how lifestyle is contributing to our health woes. Doesn't it make sense that if lifestyle plays such a roll in our getting sick, then lifestyle should be carefully looked at in restoring health? It was my good fortune to come in contact with the teachings of H. E. Kirschner, M.D., Professor Paul Bragg and E.G. White, to name a few, who taught this concept.
Just as we wait for the forces within to heal the broken bone so we look to the forces within to take the nutrients we place within our bodies to heal and restore it. This is a sobering thought and I had to face death's door for it to dawn on me. I discovered I was my own worst enemy. I was expecting my body to take the "junk" I was giving it and in some miraculous way take that junk and make a healthy body out of it. How foolish can one be?
We all know that on "junk" fuel our car will soon sputter to a stop. So on a junk lifestyle our bodies will sooner or later sputter to a stop.
In looking back nearly forty years when I was diagnosed with MS, I only could wish that Noni juice had been available. I feel very certain that it along with the advice of the ones referred to above, would have helped speed up my restoration.
If there is one weakness I see in Noni juice, it is that it does too much!
I read of one person who was very ill from a condition brought on by tobacco use. According to the report the person was restored to the place where he could again take up his tobacco use. How sad.
No, I do not believe that Noni juice will cure MS, but I do not have any question but what it will do is make a major contribution in supplying the body with building materials so the great forces within can do their assigned job.
Then just as the healed broken bone makes it possible to get back into the game, just as the God-given powers within takes the live nutrients and restores. And if the body has not been abused beyond the point of restoration, one can get back in the greatest of all games - the Game of Life. And more than just an existence, one can enjoy Fullness of Life!
One might ask how I see Noni juice fitting into the picture?
My wife and I were introduced to Noni, and from what we heard and read were interested in seeing what benefits we would realize from using it. Even though I am no longer hampered by MS, I realized benefits from using Noni juice - more energy, a feeling of being more in control of my life, and even a more positive outlook.
My wife had some tightness in her chest and shortness of breath. Noni has certainly helped her in this area. She began by taking 6 oz. a day. Now we both take 2-3 oz. a day.
What would I say to anyone battling MS or any of the other major degenerative diseases?
Give Noni juice a 2-3 month's try.
It is amazing how some will pay hundreds of dollars a month for drug store medication and then complain at spending a few dollars for some natural commodity, such as Noni juice, that is proving to be helpful to so many in so many ways.
As mentioned, I only wish Noni had been on the scene when I began my battle. I highly recommend it and believe it will assist you in LIVING ABOVE your concerns.
If Health were Wealth, How Rich would you be?
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